P1: Media & Rep

Wednesday 9th November 2022
LO: To understand the terminology ad theory needed to analyse music videos.

Semiotics refers to how a signifier can have literal denotation (a red traffic light) but it might signify a greater meaning (connotation) - stop/danger/attention. 

Denotation - the action of indicating or referring to something by means of a word, symbol, etc.
Connotation -  an idea or feeling which a word invokes for a person in addition to its literal or primary meaning.

Mise en Scene - The arrangement of the scenery, props, etc. on the stage of a theatrical production or on the set of a film. T
he setting or surroundings of an event.

What does it cover?
- Costume
- Hair and make up
- Settings and location
- Facial expression and body language
- Blocking
- Lighting
- Props

How to read cinematography 
Sometimes a shot is only used for practicality. Not every camera shot has a meaning.

During the close up of his face the camera tilts up while waving side to side above his head as he lifts his nose up, then it tilts down doing the same shaking motion to return to his face as he lowers his nose this signifies that he is smelling the air. As the camera turns back to Clarice Starling she is sifting in her seat seaming uncomfortable, the camera is at a slight high camera angle which helps to give the impression that he is the cause of this feeling by crating this tension between them to make her shrink back so he can be in control.

Wednesday 16th November 2022
LO: To practice using the terminology and theory needed to analyse a music video.

Video music analysis - Katy Perry - Dark Horse 

Wednesday 23rd November 2022
Music Videos
LO: To research the set text.

Chosen Set Text:
List A
- Emeli Sande - Heaven

List B
- David Guetta - Titanium
List Ahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=883yQqdOaLg
Artist Name - Emeli Sande
Genre - Classic Soul/Breakbeat gospel trip hop
Song Name - Heaven
Release Date - 12 August 2011
Will you recognise me
In those flashing lights?
I try to keep my heart beat
But I can't get it right

Will you recognise me
When I'm lying on my back?
Somethings gone inside me
And I can't get it back

Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wake with good intentions
But the day, it always lasts too long
Then I'm gone
Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wake with good intentions
But the day, it always lasts too long

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Will you recognise me
When I'm stealing from a car
You're not gonna like me
I'm nothing like before

Will you recognise me
When I lose another friend
Will you learn to leave me
Or give me one more try again

Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wake with good intentions
But the day, it always lasts too long
Then I'm gone
Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wake with good intentions
But the day, it always lasts too long

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wait with good intentions

Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wait with good intentions

Oh heaven, oh heaven
I wait with good intentions

You say that you're away
I try but always break
'Cause the day always lasts too long

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone

Summary of song meaning - The song was written about the younger generation and how they grow up too fast and are influenced by friends, family members, education and the media. These influences can be a good thing, that push you to challenge yourself, yet others follow friends and influences that lead them to do bad things.
Description of what happens in video - 

List Bhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRfuAukYTKg
Artist Name - David Guetta
Genre - Pop
Song Name - Titanium 
Release Date - November 26, 2011
You shout it loud, but I can't hear a word you sayI'm talking loud, not saying muchI'm criticised, but all your bullets ricochetYou shoot me down, but I get up
I'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFire away, fire awayRicochet, you take your aimFire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titanium
I am titanium
Cut me down, but it's you who'll have further to fallGhost town and haunted loveRaise your voice, sticks and stones may break my bonesI'm talking loud, not saying much
I'm bulletproof, nothing to loseFire away, fire awayRicochet, you take your aimFire away, fire away
You shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titaniumYou shoot me down, but I won't fallI am titanium
I am titanium

Friday 25th November 2022
LO: To explore the purpose, form, and conventions of music videos.

What are the main purposes of a music video?
- To sell/promote a song.
- To provide a better understanding of a song through visual elements.
- To highlight the talents of the artist - singing, dancing, performing.
- To help build a build identity/sell the artist.

A bit of History..

1920s 1960s: Talkies, Soundies and Shorts.

1960 - 1973: Promotional videos for music. Beatles, Bob Dylan, David Bowie.

1975: Queen couldn't play TOTP and created video for 'Bohemian Rhapsody'.

1981: Videos go mainstream with the creation on MTV. The Buggles

1983: Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' takes music videos to anew level.

1992 - 2004: Rise of the directors. 'Scream' cost $7million.

2005: Launch of YouTube and internet video sharing sites. Ok Go. Uptown Funk.

2009: Music video site VEVO launched.

Music video Genres

How are they categorised? 
- Normally mach musical genre.
- Each have own, slightly different, conventions.
- Also use: PERFORMANCE NARRATIVE or CONCEPTUAL styles. (or a mixture).
- MV can also be hybrids. The blurring of conventions can help present the artist in a new or interesting way. 

Promotional Tools
Music videos help sell the artist and build them as brand. They have to appeal visually and communicate to the audience.
This can be achieved through: 
- Look: visually stylish, engaging, experimental but repetitive.
- Narratives: help bring songs alive visually; provide escape or solution; add social commentary/political view.
- Building proximity; audience feels closer to artist; relationship with fans built/developed.  

Codes and Conventions used in Heaven:
Camera Work:
- medium and close up shots of Emeli Sande (throughout video). To help us identify her and help with proximity.
- blurred clip of cross necklace at sideway tilted angle
- camera tilted up to sky
- low camera angel of Emeli Sande with sky behind her

- video is cut to the beat. To follow the tempo of song
- slow motion. Used to reflect changes of tempo
- colour grading- moody, grainy and cold to reflect genre. This shows the social realism.

Mise en scene:
- location: Street, bedroom, inside of car, inside at window, sky (heaven). Variety of locations to create realism
- make up to reflect urban soul/dance genre
- costume can reflect an angel
- lighting is natural
- performance is Emeli Sande singing

- Emeli Sande - Heaven
Question: How 'Street Life' been represented in Heaven?
The video is set in East London, with an emphasis on street life. This shows a focus on people, specifically in deprived areas. This reflects the life of ordinary people during their day to day lives, in locations such as busy streets, parks, shops, homes and housing estates. The notion of it being a more deprived area is particularly honed in on. The artist herself is at times depicted looking out of a window, sitting in a field of flowers and in the streets themselves. This signifies that she is the same as everyone else throughout the video we see Emeli Sande singing, as well as shots of people suffering such as the elderly, the homeless, and children with no good homes. We also see scenes of the sky and cathedrals to help represent the theme of religion and heaven.
Within the video, we see that the theme of suffering and drug abuse is repeated throughout. We see a homeless man on the streets of London this shot appears when Emeli Sande is singing the lyrics "I wait with good intentions, but the day it always last too long." This suggest to the viewer that there are many people who are hungry, tired and alone living on the streets of may towns and cities and that these people believe the days are too long as their whole day is filled with pain. I believe Emeli Sande is trying to imply that there are many out in the world who need help and support and that if we have the chance to help these people we should.
The theme of heaven is religion which is shown through the different camera angels; these help to match the visuals of the video to the video. First we see many low camera angles appearing when Emeli Sande is singing and when she visits religious locations such as the churches and cathedrals. The camera angles allow the viewers to see more of the bright colours and sunny skies, this creates connotations of heaven and god, as many believe heaven is located in the sky. By allowing the viewers to see the sky it makes them feel as if they are a part of the video as the camera seems to be positioned as if they are looking up at the sky and the cathedrals, this could also allow views to suggest that they are praying and looking to god for help and guidance. 

Wednesday 7th December 2022
LO: To explore the use of media language and intertextually in case study videos.

David Guetta - Titanium

Where was it filmed and who directed it?
province of Quebec, Canada

What is the message/meaning of the video?
The meaning of this song is to be strong even when the world is throwing its worse at you and to find our inner strength. When bad things happen we must stand strong and not fall. As the song states, we must be "Titanium" which means to be strong hearted and strong willed.

TITANIUM: what was going on in 2010/11 worldwide
London Riots

How the camerawork reflects the child's view of the world
- Shaky 
-  Low Camera Angles throughout most of video- to make him feel liked he's being looked down on
- High camera Angle looking down on boy when he's on forest floor covering his head with his hands- makes him feel trapped

How the MES shows the setting to be early 80s America suburbia
- Lockers in corridor at school
- Old style cars, driving on left side
- Houses are stereotypical suburb house- Fair size front lawns, stone/wooden houses, one story house
- Trees on either side of streets
- Interior of houses- Box TV, old posters, old wall phone, 
- Forest near houses
- Police wear brown old fashion outfits

How authority is shown
- Teacher calling the police- can't be trusted
- Police breaks into his house with guns- 
- Police chasing him through woods, police surrounds him with while pointing guns- fearful

Friday 9th December 2022

Titanium Intertextuality
The intertextual references help communicate the theme of science-fiction, the supernatural and American popular culture.
Make sure you can talk about the references to the following texts:

- E.T. (1982)
E.T. was directed by Steven Spielberg An alien is left behind on Earth and is saved by young Elliot who decides to keep him hidden. While the task force hunts for it, Elliot and his siblings form an emotional bond with their new friend. The boy cycling could reference E.T.

- Super 8 (2011)
Super 8 was directed by J.J., it  is based in late 1970s Ohio, an Air Force train derails and mysterious things start happening. People and pets disappear, along with a host of other very unusual events. A group of kids who are filming a movie begin investigating the crash and discover more than they expected. both movies are based around supernatural elements the kid with the camera is the same kid from titanium, binary-oppositions- kids against adults, theme of fear as people don't know whats going on, based around 1980s.

- Terminator 2 (1991)

- Superargo (1969)
Superargo was directed by Paolo Bianchini, the plot of the movie is Superargo battles Faceless Giants, while one of his friends wants to kill Superargo. One person against some kind of authority-underdog, Superargo poster near TV in boys house in titanium

- Common Spielberg Tropes
Spielberg zoom in face as character gapes- helps identify the boy, apart from the boys supernatural power he's really ordinary, emphasis on childhood, the supernatural amongst normal- special boy amongst ordinary people, ends with our hero overcoming but also ends on enigma, light as mystery- seen at the ending as his power explodes, the boy's red hat could link to supernatural clues e.g. in The Sixth Sense (M. Knight Shayamaian).

- David Guetta

Explain how and why your music video (Titanium) uses intertextuality effectively. 
Titanium uses intertextuality effectively by referencing other movies related to the plot of the music video such as superargo where you can see a poster for the movie in the boy's house next to the TV, they are similar through representing one person against authority. 
Wednesday 11th January 2023
LO: To understand the purpose of advertising and the language used to analyse text.

Analyse the Media Language used in this advert
Costume/makeup- red, black to match the product, stands out against pale skin
Camera angle- medium close up shot
Props- Perfume bottle, beaded necklace, 
Facial expression/pose- Serious, hypnotic; her arm position, her eyes- which capture the attention of viewers
Beauty appeal- the ad shows a young beautiful woman
Brand identity- the ad uses colours associated with the product of the brand which compliments to gold colour of the brand wording. 
Bottle shaped like apple- connotations to Snow White, Adam and Eve
Supernatural element- gothic, vampire
Attention brought to bottle- balanced on her hand, stands out against her skin
Font resembles Disney which implies more to the apple shaped bottle

Explain any connotations and meanings constructed

What is the purpose of advertising?
How do they do it?


Advertisers traditionally used this approach to hook audience's attention in advertising:





Technical Conventions

Convention - What to look for

Layout - How all the different elements are positioned and arranged

Typography - Font style, size and colour

Language - Register, mode of address, lexis (choice of words), persuasive language*

Imagery/Mise-en-scene - Choice of image, manipulation, shot type/angle, location, costume and make up

Colour - Colour palette choice, normally 2 or 3

Brand Identity - Use of logo, slogan and associated colour palette

Media Language Analysis
For each advert, analyse the media language used in each one and the meaning they are used to construct. 
Humour - this used in the typography 'click the new fragrance' with the word CLICK being bigger and a different font from the other words to stick out better and possibly reference the numbers on the clicker which presents that possibly 1930 has brought the new fragrance. 
Celebrity endorsement - the man in the picture at first could remind the viewer of the actor Joe Thomas from The Inbetweeners Movies. This could be done on purpose as Jay from Inbetweeners didnt get girls, that if you are like Joe but you use Lynx it will make you better.

Celebrity Endorsement - Elvis Presley was iconic, cant make a new Elvis. This implies that coke is the same in being iconic, that the drink is one of a kind. 
Colour - Red and white, typical coke colours for clear branding 

Celebrity Endorsement - Using Andy Sirkis as a celebrity to endorse the charity and receive donations, this shows that there is help in many people around the world. 
Facial expression - Serious due to the topic of the ad
Direct Address - eye contact- looking straight at you to imply that he is talking to you. 
Triple - no more excuses, no more silence, no more violence- to get the point across

Friday 13th January 2023
LO: To explore how representations are constructed in advertising.

Cageds                                                                        When analysing representation, we can use the mnemonic Cageds.                                                                                 - Class                                                                                                                                                                              - Age                                                                                                                                                                                  - Gender                                                                                                                                                                            - Ethnicity                                                                                                                                                                          - Disability                                                                                                                                                                        - Sexuality                                                                                                                                                                          Which areas could you discuss in adverts?
Wednesday 18th January 2023
Last Lesson Continuation

Different Readings
Representations require interpretations. We make judgements based on our own personal experiences, beliefs and values. This means that not all responses will be the same:

- Preferred or Dominant Reading: agree with meaning and buy product.

- Negotiated Reading: accept the meaning but might not want the product.

- Oppositional Reading: reject the message and will not buy the product.

Whats the PREFFRED reading for these adverts?

Set Texts

Old Spice
- The old spice 'Smell like a man' campaign from 2010 was a transformative mass market campaign for the aftershave brand. 

- Prior to 2010 the old spice brand was associated with a much older, more mature male audience.

- This campaign that sought to reposition the brand and make it more accessible to younger audiences. 

- The campaign features the American actor and sports star Isiah Mustafa.

- This poster was part pf follow up campaign in 2011 which sought to build on the success of the initial campaign. 

- The lucazade 'I believe' campaign poster from 2013 was part of a £4m mass market campaign to educate consumers bout how the soft drink brand can help improve people's sport performance. 

- It features a range of sports personalities, including footballer Gareth Bale as a key brand ambassador. 

- The campaign aimed to bring to life the claim that 'it hydrates you better than water'. The brand wanted the advert to reinforce how they were combining scientific expertise with product innovation. 

- Shelter, the UK-Based housing and homelessness charity, launched 'A home for everyone' campaign in 2011.

- As a non-commercial product, it encouraged donations to charity rather than a purchase of a product.

- It was produced for those at risk of homelessness to point them to shelter's free services and guide them to seek advice on issues around homelessness earlier.  

Research and Context
Old Spice
- Overview of Brand/Organisation

- Brand image and values (before and after)

- Previous advertising campaigns

- Star vehicle: representations and values

- Advertising content

- Social context (UK)

- Overview of Brand/Organisation

- Brand image and values (before and after)

- Previous advertising campaigns

- Star vehicle: representations and values

- Advertising content

- Social context (UK)

- Overview of Brand/Organisation

- Brand image and values (before and after)

- Previous advertising campaigns

- Star vehicle: representations and values

- Advertising content

- Social context (UK)

Friday 27th January 2023
Analysis and Context
LO: To analyse context and codes and conventions in the Lucozade advert.

- The advert shows a muscular man whose head is merged with a volcano the same as how his body merged with a tropical beach. The image shows a lot going on from woman sunbathing to a man fishing up a shark, to an erupting volcano, these small details stand out from the background of a clear blue sky and calm ocean which can imply that the product is refreshing. The white font stands out against the sky with the font relaying the information that is unbelieving and random with the style seems bulking and strghtfoward while the font for old spice seems rather posh and elegant implying that the product seems rather refined. As we can see from the ad everything which is shown is linked to the style of the product. 
- This advert represents the subject by implying that Old Spice is similar to a tropical beach such as being fresh.
- The product is in the bottom right corner, for . He is significantly larger than everything else as well as being one of the only thing that doesn't look fake. The use of an African American is . His facial expression appears confident and slightly flirtatious . The woman is represented as the stereotypical of a slim attractive woman in a bikini while the men are in death defying activities.

The overall representation
Overall the ad is used to represent how if men used this product they can seem like a tropical beach, with the use of a background of a clear blue sky and a calming sea insinuates that the use if this product can make men appear fresh, eye catching. The stereotypical use of slim attractive woman in a bikini implies that men could attract woman. The use of an African American implies that no mater who you are it will work, as well as the man appearing muscular the context of him being infused with the beach could be to say that men could be like him when they use Old Spice. The death defying activities of the men on the beach shows with the use of the product men are capable of anything. the volcano on his head can be used to represent how the product is mind blowing, as well as the man being hot to appeal to woman. The look he is giving appears confident as he is sure of himself but also appears slight flirty which could be to attract the female gaze.

- What are the attitudes towards mens grooming? 

- What do we understand about the concept of masculinity now?

- What do we associate with Caribbean cultures?



    JAMES BOND ANALYSIS: where is this?

    MUSIC VIDEO ANALYSIS: missing - this needs doing

    SET TEXT RESEARCH: good start

    WWW: you clearly understand the themes and ideas behind the song/video
    EBI: support your ideas with specific examples from the video (include shot type etc.)
    I would suggest that the low-fi style is to represent the social realism genre.

    WWW: good intertextuality overview
    EBI: this needs to be far more detailed with specific examples and references
    Both quite brief - more detail needed about media language used

    WWW: good use of the analysis techniques with good conclusions
    EBI: Terminology - MES, typography, imagery, colour palette etc



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